SAIC Commitment to Human Rights

SAIC is a premier technology integrator driving our nation's digital transformation. We do this through our employees and suppliers — and understand that businesses can only thrive where human rights are respected.

Respect, one of SAIC’s core values, is fundamental to human rights. Our human rights efforts are consistent with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and reflect our commitment that everyone has a right to a work environment  in which they are treated with respect, free of coercion, discrimination and harassment. Discriminatory actions based on national origin, race, color, religion, gender, ancestry, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, marital status, veteran status, genetic information and any other status protected by law are always prohibited. We demand the same standard from our suppliers and other third parties, which includes adhering to legal requirements prohibiting human trafficking and complying with all applicable local laws and regulations where we operate.

Our commitment to human rights has always been an intrinsic part of who we are at SAIC and it is manifested in such governing documents as our Code of Conduct, Supplier Code of Conduct and Corporate Responsibility Report, and in polices and processes throughout our business.

Our governance structure, including our Board of Directors, oversees our social and governance functions to ascertain that human rights are adequately protected. Our Enterprise Risk Management Committee includes senior executives who collaborate with the Chief Executive Officer, committees of the Board and the full Board to provide support and insights on major sources of risk. SAIC takes all reports of suspected human rights issues seriously, conducts investigations objectively and takes appropriate corrective actions when warranted. All SAIC employees are encouraged to report potential violations of human rights issues. Any breach to our integrity may be reported anonymously or on a disclosed basis via our helpline or on our company website hosted by an independent third party and available 24/7. SAIC stands by its employees and enforces a strict non-retaliation policy: We do not tolerate any acts of retaliation against those who make reports of misconduct in good faith.

SAIC Code of Conduct

The SAIC Code of Conduct establishes minimum standards of business conduct for every employee and board member. Our core values and standards of business conduct include sections on human rights and related topics such as our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion; creating a respectful work environment; ensuring a safe and healthy work environment; and our speak-up culture of collective responsibility to maintain an environment in which all issues of importance can be freely discussed without fear of criticism or retaliation.

All board members and employees of SAIC must certify annually that they have read, understand and will comply with the Code of Conduct. The certification is part of the mandatory annual enterprise-wide training that is monitored to ensure 100% compliance. Within their first ten days, new employees must read and certify compliance with the code.

If any of the provisions in the code conflict with local law in the jurisdictions in which SAIC conducts business, local law will supersede the provisions of this code unless the code provides greater protections. If applicable laws and regulations are more permissive than the code, employees are expected to comply with the SAIC Code of Conduct.

Stakeholder Engagement and Public Disclosure

SAIC engages with key stakeholders including its customers, suppliers, investors, employees and community partners who may provide input, guidance and feedback on our human rights. As our customers are primarily part of the U.S. government, we are held to and comply with all U.S. human rights requirements, which protect individuals from unlawful discrimination and ensure a safe and healthy work environment. A natural extension is the standards to which we hold our suppliers as outlined in our Supplier Code of Conduct. 

We publicly report on our corporate responsibility initiatives and progress annually through our Corporate Responsibility Report and the ESG Reporting Framework and Standards Index, which are prepared in reference to the Global Reporting Initiative Standards 2021, the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Additionally, we regularly publish content on diversity, inclusion and equal opportunity as we consider there may be unique challenges faced by women, people of color, national or ethnic minorities, indigenous peoples, LGBTQ+ persons, religious minorities and persons with disabilities.

Suppliers, Subcontractors and Other Third-Party Providers

Working with third parties is a critical component of SAIC’s mission to transform the government and enhance our nation and citizens’ lives. Our supplier code sets the expectations for all SAIC and SAIC subsidiary suppliers, subcontractors, consultants and other third-party providers, including the company’s minimum standards for human rights, business practices and behavior. The SAIC Supplier Code of Conduct must be formally acknowledged that the party understands and agrees to comply with the code and that any violation may be cause for termination of the relationship with SAIC.


Nonnegotiable Tenets of SAIC’s Human Rights

Prohibition of Harassment: We expect all individuals are afforded an employment environment that is free from physical, psychological and verbal harassment or other abusive conduct.

Prohibition of Discrimination: We expect all parties, including the company itself, to provide equal employment opportunity to employees and applicants for employment, without regard to race, ethnicity, religion, color, sex, national origin, age, military veteran status, ancestry, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, family structure, genetic information, or mental or physical disability, so long as the essential functions of the job can be competently performed with reasonable accommodation.

Prohibition of Child Labor: We require that illegal child labor is not used in the performance of work. The term “child” refers to any person under the minimum legal age for employment where the work is performed.

Prohibition of Human Trafficking: We require adherence to regulations prohibiting human trafficking and compliance with all applicable local laws in the country or countries in which operations take place. All parties must refrain from violating the rights of others and address any adverse human rights impacts of operations. Further, all parties must educate employees and contractors on prohibited trafficking activities, discipline any party found to have violated the law or rules and notify the company of violations and actions taken against the involved individuals. Specifically, the following must be prohibited in all activities and contracts:

  • Destroying, concealing, or confiscating identity or immigration documents.
  • Using misleading or fraudulent tactics in recruiting.
  • Charging employee recruitment fees or providing inadequate housing based on local standards, laws and directives.
  • Failing to provide employment contracts and other documentation in the employee’s native language.
  • Failing to provide return transportation upon the end of employment for employees brought to the country for the purpose of working on a U.S. Government contract or subcontract.
  • Failing to interview and protect employees suspected of being trafficking victims.

Prohibition of Forced Labor: We expect that no work is performed for the company that is involuntary or under menace or threat of any penalty. There should be no coercion to work through violence nor intimidation as well as more subtle means such as manipulated debt, retention of any identity papers or threats of sharing information with immigration authorities.