Network-Centric Solutions-2 (NETCENTS-2)
On the Network-Centric Solutions-2 (NETCENTS) full and open indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity (IDIQ) vehicle, established by the U.S. Air Force, SAIC provides network operations, infrastructure, and service oriented architecture implementation and transformation services and solutions to the U.S. Army, Air Force, Navy, Department of Defense (DoD), and federal agencies.
The SAIC team is your key source for leading-edge technologies for our NETCENTS-2 NetOps clients. We provide our customers with a broad range of core competencies, experience, and skill sets, allowing us to provide you with the innovative and cost-effective solutions for your requirements.
The IDIQ has a three-year base period and four one-year option periods, enabling both short and long term task orders. There are CLINS available for each contract type: fixed price, cost reimbursable, and labor hours. There is no contract usage fee for Army, Air Force, Navy, and other DoD and federal customers.
SAIC’s IDIQ Contract Operations and Reporting Environment (ICORE) is a secure, web-based tool for monitoring, managing, and controlling essential program activities of IDIQ contracts and associated task orders allowing SAIC and its customers to obtain relevant task order information 24/7.
Contract Information
- Contract numberFA8732-15-D-0048
- DUNS number
- Prompt payment termsNext 30 days
Program Management Office
- Kirk Lear Program Manager P: 618.622.8524
- Stefani Walker Contract Analyst Sr. P: 757.470.2828
Contract Documents
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Contract Resources
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- Contract numberFA8732-15-D-0048
- DUNS number
- Prompt payment termsNext 30 days
Program managment office
- Kirk Lear Program Manager P: 618.622.8524
- Stefani Walker Contract Analyst Sr. P: 757.470.2828
No files added
No files added
More Information
The NETCENTS-2 contract provides network operations, infrastructure, and service oriented architecture implementation and transformation services and solutions to the U.S. Air Force and DoD agencies at locations inside the contiguous United States, outside the contiguous United States, and in war zone areas. The services and solutions provided will address the development, acquisition, integration, test, deployment, and sustainment of Air Force infrastructure and mission capabilities in network operations; production; research and development; command, control, communications, and computers; and intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance.
The proposed solutions shall be in compliance with existing DoD, Air Force, and Intelligence Community (IC) standardization and interoperability policies. Technology refreshment and system evolution within this contract will track proven, accepted, and available leading edge technology within industry.
This contract supports the Global Information Grid (GIG) architecture, Defense Information Infrastructure, IC Information Sharing environments, and Air Force and Defense Communications Systems infrastructure for computer and telecommunications network mission areas. Solutions and services provided under this contract will help the DoD and IC achieve information superiority as called for in Joint Vision 2020 and will promote adherence to the Systems Engineering Process as specified in the DoD 5000 series.
Through this contract vehicle, customers can acquire network infrastructure system solutions, operations, and maintenance, as well as systems management, configuration management, and NetOps Core IT services (e.g., email, storage, and directory services). System solutions shall follow disciplined System Engineering Processes and shall include, but not be limited to: establishment of the SOA Singularly Managed Infrastructure with Enterprise Level Security (SMI-ELS), including Metadata Environments (MDEs), Enclaves, Federation and Enterprise Management of the AF Architecture; Network Operations including GIG Web Content Management, GIG Enterprise Management (GEM) and GIG Network Defense (GND); and Network Infrastructure Messaging and Site Preparation and Installation services. This contract will provide NetOps services and solutions support to establish, operate, and maintain the network and SOA infrastructure required to provide netcentric capabilities and traditional network operations.
Types of work expected:
- Base telephony services
- Network command and control
- Comm squadron operations/local network help desk
- DoD Information Networks network defense
- Managed infrastructure services
- Physical infrastructure maintenance/upgrades
- Network cybersecurity/information assurance services
- Enterprise network help desk
- Backup, disaster recovery, continuity of operations
- Creation of testing or training network environments